At this point in our lives, we’ve all had our fair share of life experiences, whether it be relationships (romantic or friendly) or our pursuits of happiness or success. We’ve been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. We’ve all experienced some form of happiness or success in some capacity, right? Maybe you’ve won a competitive spelling bee or a little league championship or finally got a date with that girl or guy you’ve been crushing on for a while. Or maybe you’ve got a big job promotion!… “Yes, I deserve that. I worked hard for it.” You confidently say to yourself, relishing in the victory at that moment. We have no problem taking credit for the things that go right in our lives. NOT. AT. ALL. 

But…what about when things don’t go so directly? How do you react? What is your mentality? Are you bold enough to accept your part in what may not have gone in your favor? Or do you effortlessly pass the blame onto others? Let’s take a deeper dive into why personal accountability matters. 


What is Personal Accountability?

Personal accountability is the belief that you are fully responsible for your actions and consequences. It’s the power of choice, a mindset, and even an expression of integrity. It’s acknowledging and being completely willing to accept the outcomes of your personal behavior, preferences, and feelings. It’s being accountable and willing to accept the result, good or bad. It’s taking OWNERSHIP. There is empowerment in being personally liable.


Adverse Effects of a Lack of Personal Accountability.

  • Loss of Personal Ownership.

Have you ever uttered the saying, “You made me do this,” when reacting to a situation or when offended, whether intentionally or unintentionally? Do you constantly look elsewhere when analyzing circumstances instead of taking the necessary introspective approach for personal growth? Heavy questions. If so, we must put our best foot forward by stopping and looking in the mirror. Because whether we’d like to admit it or not, NO one controls our actions. It’s solely up to YOU to choose how to respond to circumstances, how to process failure, misunderstandings, etc., and what steps to take moving forward. When we allow outside factors or others to control our actions, we are giving them control of our being.

  • Development of a Victim Mentality/ Stagnancy. 

Blaming others for our circumstances rarely yields positive results. Blame allows us to hate or blame others for what we didn’t become or achieve, etc., giving us permanent residence on a stagnant street. No one wants to live there. When you lack personal accountability, you cannot see your faults, closing your eyes to the possibility that you could be your worst enemy. If you never acknowledge a personal flaw or are unwilling to know that you could have it, how can you fix it? And the survey says?… You can’t. 

Taking personal accountability is a difficult task. It takes a brave soul to acknowledge personal shortcomings and engage in humility and true honesty in wanting to be a better person. Personal accountability means being mature enough to own up to problems you may have caused and having the humility and discipline to change the behavior. 

  • Lack of True, Meaningful Friendships/Relationships

When you lack personal accountability, you lack commitment. When you lack commitment, you are untrustworthy. When you are unreliable, how can anyone grow to TRULY value and befriend you? Someone can tolerate us, but is that truly meaningful? No. When you lack personal accountability, it will even reflect in the relationships that you develop. In meaningless relationships/friendships, NO ONE will hold you accountable. Responsibility tends to be evasive. 

Those unwilling to self-reflect build relationships with others who don’t challenge them for the better or who often see the world precisely as they do. These are what I call surface relationships. You can do no wrong in your own eyes, so as a result, you develop surface relationships with others who validate your inability to see personal shortcomings. How can we grow from that? 

The truth is, we can’t. This behavior can also push away potential meaningful friendships/relationships because you will perceive loving correction as an insult. We can even say that lack of accountability is a significant relationship repellent. 


Benefits of Personal Accountability

  • Trustworthiness
    One benefit of personal accountability is trustworthiness. Being humble and brave enough to engage in introspection shows a willingness to accept responsibility. An accountable and responsible person is often an honest person. 

  • Empowerment
    Tell me, What’s better than TRULY being in control of your destiny? There is an indescribable feeling of liberation when you realize you have dominion over your circumstances.  

  • Discovery of Leadership Capacity
    Being personally accountable will put you in great company. What is one thing that all great leaders have in common? They WILLINGLY accept personal accountability. No questions asked. They understand the importance and severity of this character trait.

In summary, the journey toward personal accountability is one that we all should embrace. It’s a road far less traveled than it should be; however, the benefits of its actualization are LIFE-CHANGING.

Yours in Truth,

Brandon Hicks

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12 Responses

  1. First, love this! Second, I find that people will say “you know I’m transparent” or “I’ll always stand on what’s right” but rarely actually acknowledge when they aren’t transparent or if they are in the wrong. Instead will justify the actions to further point towards why their actions were necessary. Basically, we as people have a tendency to deceive ourselves from truth when we have a need to be “right.” The desire to always be right hinders acceptance & accountability. This was awesome!

  2. This was EXCEPTIONAL! Calling for one to examine his/her own interactions and accept accountability for what he/she may have contributed to an unpopular outcome is nerving, but SO VERY NECESSARY for Growth. It’s the single most important first step in PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.

    Powerful, Irrefutable Truth! 👊🏾💪🏾💯

  3. This was such an eye-opening read!!! It really opens the door for introspection. It reminds me of the adage, “Always remember that when you’re pointing your finger at someone, you’ve got three pointing back at yourself.”
    I see how this same concept can also be applied to Conflict Avoidance!
    Thanks for the thought-provoking facts. May those who read also receive! 🙌🏾🙏🏾

  4. This was so awesome and enlightening, very inspiring and informative to do a personal inventory . On one’s behavior and Actions as well as Deflecting. I’m so Glad that I had the Opportunity to Read this and now it’s Time to Practice.. Salute!!
    Mike W.

  5. Thank you for sharing this. You have a true knack for writing and it is definitely your gift. Can’t wait to see, read, hear etc etc etc more of what you have to offer. Your wisdom is comparable to Proverbs and your bravery to come forward and be the truth teller is nothing short of Paul. God has bestowed you with a heavy burden of telling the truth and I’m so proud that you have answered the call.

    Accountability is such a tricky thing because it’s best friend, to me, is self-awareness. If you lack one you lack the other. And self-awareness / awareness to your blind spots of growth comes with time, experiences, information etc etc etc. How do you bring someone to see themselves and eventually hold themselves accountable? From the outside…it’s by what you’re doing…telling the truth and not letting up from it. Not enabling the poor accountability. Challenging in love, with grace and mercy. Just like our Father in heaven. Praying for them. Believing that God can provide them with the life experiences to receive the gift of personal accountability. It takes great patience on the part of those who must be the receiver of another person’s lack of accountability, but this is what God goes through with us. Right?

    I love the part where you discuss “Empowerment” and “Discovery of Self-Leadership” because, I believe, this is accountability’s other best friend “There is an indescribable feeling of liberation when you realize you have dominion over your circumstances. ” Lack of accountability = lack of power. This, to me, is its greatest benefit because it puts you in a power seat. This is why I say personal accountability is a gift because you gain supernatural power from it. Well said, I love how you’ve stated it‼️

    Can’t wait to see more. My only ask is that you go deeper, test the boundaries more, make people really become aware and include your our experiences. Give us a good story in the midst of the wisdom. GIVE IT ALL TO US in a major way! I know you have some deep jewels that this world needs to hold themselves accountable to… so I see why you started with this topic. Very smart. Keep it up. You’re doing great!

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